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Luminovo erhält 11 Millionen Euro Seed-Finanzierung für die Transformation der fragmentierten Elektronik-Wertschöpfungskette durch innovative Software-Suite

Ein großer Meilenstein auf unserem Weg, Innovation für alle schneller, billiger und nachhaltiger zu machen - jetzt unterstützt von Chalfen und Verve sowie unserer bestehenden Gruppe von erstklassigen Investoren.

August 18, 2022




Luminovo sammelt 11 Millionen Euro in einer Finanzierungsrunde seed image
Luminovo sammelt 11 Millionen Euro in einer Finanzierungsrunde seed image
Luminovo sammelt 11 Millionen Euro in einer Finanzierungsrunde seed image
  • Luminovo ist die weltweit erste Cloud-Software-Suite, die die gesamte Elektronik-Wertschöpfungskette miteinander verbindet, um kritische und lebenswichtige elektronische Produkte schneller, kostengünstiger und nachhaltiger auf den Markt zu bringen.

  • Luminovos Lösungen erschließen derzeitig isolierte Prozesse, wodurch die Zusammenarbeit in Echtzeit verbessert wird, Fehler verhindert werden, die zu Milliarden von Elektronikabfällen führen können, und die Produktivität gesteigert wird.

  • Partner und Kunden von Luminovo können sich somit auf die Entwicklung lebensverändernder Produkte fokussieren und Innovationen in den Bereichen Industrie, Medizin, Automobil und Energie schneller voranbringen.

  • Luminovo hat eine Finanzierungsrunde ( seed ) von Chalfen Ventures, Verve Ventures und anderen erhalten, um seine Software weiterzuentwickeln und die 5-Billionen-Dollar-Elektronikindustrie zu verändern. 

München, 18. August 2022: Luminovo - die KI-gestützte Software-Suite, die Elektronikunternehmen dabei hilft, wichtige Innovationen schneller, kostengünstiger und nachhaltiger auf den Markt zu bringen - hat in einer von Chalfen Ventures geleiteten Runde ( seed ) unter Beteiligung von Verve Ventures und Khadjavi Capital Partners sowie den bestehenden Investoren La Famiglia und Cherry Ventures 11 Millionen Euro erhalten.

Luminovo wurde 2020 gegründet und wird von den Münchner Stanford-Absolventen Sebastian Schaal und Timon Ruban geleitet. Luminovo ist die weltweit erste cloudbasierte End-to-End-Software-Suite, die den technologischen Fortschritt durch die Verbesserung der Hardware-Entwicklung auf globaler Ebene vorantreiben soll.

Von kritischen medizinischen Geräten über Module für Elektroautos bis hin zu intelligenten Gadgets, die uns das Leben erleichtern, besteht derzeit eine Diskrepanz zwischen den Fortschritten, die in Labors und Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilungen entwickelt werden, und den oft lebensverändernden Fortschritten, die auf den Markt kommen. Bei medizinischen Geräten kann es bis zu sieben Jahre dauern, bis ein Durchbruch bei den Patienten ankommt, und das kann für Millionen von Menschen und ihre Angehörigen oft zu spät sein.

Diese Diskrepanz ergibt sich aus der Tatsache, dass die derzeitigen Systeme zur Verwaltung der globalen Produktkette nicht funktionieren, von Bürokratie umhüllt, fragmentiert und isoliert sind. Dies führt zu jahrelangen Verzögerungen, ganz zu schweigen von vermeidbaren Kosten in Milliardenhöhe und hohen Umweltbelastungen. Allein die überwältigende Zunahme des Elektronikschrotts wird bis 2030 jährlich 7,47 Millionen Tonnen erreichen.

Das einheitliche Datenmodell und die modulare Software-Suite von Luminovo wurden entwickelt, um dieses Problem zu lösen. Es rationalisiert, beschleunigt und demokratisiert den Elektronikentwicklungsprozess, was wiederum dazu beiträgt, die Markteinführungszeit zu verkürzen, den Umsatz, die Produktivität und die Rentabilität zu steigern und den technologischen Fortschritt voranzutreiben. 

Luminovo-Suite Grafik

Umgestaltung der Wertschöpfungskette in der Elektronik 

For electronics manufacturers (EMS), Luminovo's software brings together and reorganises the quoting process – including material and production costing – in one cloud-based tool, replacing the need for different on-premise methods. By bringing the whole workflow together and connecting customers and suppliers, Luminovo automates many repetitive, manual parts of the process and allows manufacturers to focus on the more complex steps that need collaboration. 

PCB manufacturers use Luminovo to bring together the visualisation, analysis, and adoption of PCBs in one workflow, decreasing quoting time and increasing efficiency. The suite also benefits original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) – Luminovo gives users relevant component information (lifecycle, availability, lead time, price, and compliance of parts) in real-time and before prototypes are built and money is invested. This minimises the risk of re-designs on the way to production and the risk of shortages throughout the product lifecycle. 

By uniting processes and connecting project data in one tool, the Luminovo software suite simplifies and improves communication between experts from engineering, procurement, sales, value chain management and others. Together, these features combine to cut the time and cost to market in half and help reduce the environmental burden of bringing products to market. 

Die 5-Billionen-Dollar-Elektronikindustrie vorantreiben

The advent of automation and the move to the cloud in the early 2000s led to the creation of the $43 billion DevOps market. Similarly, Luminovo is working on providing a comparable solution to the trillion-dollar electronics industry. As the only cloud-native system that is covering this value chain from end to end, it has a unique opportunity to transform processes for all stakeholders, making electronics design more resilient while ensuring production is more cost-effective across the entire ecosystem. 

Luminovo has raised €11m in seed funding to finance this transformation of the electronics industry. It will use this funding to accelerate product development and broaden its scope to encompass more of the value chain, as well as grow its product engineering and revenue teams.

Sebastian Schaal, Gründer von Luminovo:

"We're on a mission to rethink the entire electronics value chain to make it more efficient, effective and impactful. It's infuriating that the manufacturers and designers that are building the products that will change the world are wholly reliant on excel spreadsheets and 20th-century communication tools to take their projects from design to production. We're committed to having a lasting positive impact on this industry with Luminovo, and we're thrilled to have the support of Chalfen and Verve as well as our existing group of stellar investors on this journey with us."

Timon Ruban, Gründer von Luminovo:

"It's been an incredible few years building Luminovo, and already we're seeing the positive impact this tool is having across the electronics industry with over 50 customers who are building products that will be used in important sectors like industrial, healthcare, energy and others. But there's still so much to do to transform this industry and enable manufacturers and developers to focus on creating technological solutions to the world's biggest problems. It's an exciting time for Luminovo, and we're looking forward to scaling the business with the help of our remarkable investors."

Mike Chalfen, Gründer von Chalfen Ventures:

"Complex process-driven industries are ripe for transformation but it often seems too hard for the people within them to make a change. Luminovo has designed products that are easy to adopt and deliver value fast, and is overcoming that resistance, and is already making a big difference to its customers across the electronics industry.  That is compelling when combined with its big vision. That combination is why I wanted to back Sebastian and Timon. I truly believe that Luminovo will become the defining software product for the electronics industry, and I look forward to working closely with Sebastian and Timon to help them achieve their vision fully."

Christian Meermann, Gründungspartner bei Cherry Ventures:

"The electronics industry plays an integral role in driving forward global technological developments. Yet it's incredibly complex and much of it still relies on old-school communication methods and more – all at the expense of productivity and scalability. Timon, Sebastian and the team are the only ones cracking this problem with an all-encompassing modern software suite. After leading Luminovo's pre-seed round, we're proud to continue backing this fantastic team as they scale."


About Luminovo
Luminovo is the world's first end-to-end software suite built for the electronics industry. The suite digitally connects stakeholders and data silos to allow for intelligent automation and real-time collaboration. By integrating at every stage of the value chain, Luminovo reduces the time and resources needed to go from idea to a market-ready electronics product. Established in 2020, Luminovo's investors include Chalfen Ventures, Verve Ventures, La Famiglia and Cherry Ventures. luminovo.com

About Chalfen Ventures
Chalfen Ventures is Mike Chalfen's VC firm. Mike backs software startups aiming to grow and dominate new and often unusual markets. He has backed companies such as King, Lokalise, Tipalti, Tray.io and Snyk. Investing from day 1 through series A, Chalfen Ventures often leads rounds, but is always flexible. Mike operates as a solo VC, with no distractions from working closely with the entrepreneurs who have chosen him. chalfenventures.com

About Cherry Ventures
Cherry Ventures is an early-stage venture capital firm led by a team of entrepreneurs with experience building fast-scaling companies such as Zalando and Spotify. The firm backs Europe's boldest founders, usually as their first institutional investor, and supports them in everything from their go-to-market strategy and the scaling of their businesses. Cherry Ventures has previously invested in the seed stage of over 90 companies across Europe, including FlixBus, Auto1 Group, Flaschenpost, Infarm, Rows, Forto, SellerX, Juni, and Flink. Cherry Ventures is based in Berlin and invests across Europe with operations in London and Stockholm. cherry.vc

sebastian schaal
inga schwarz
patrick perner

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