



Product carbon footprint

Get product carbon footprints at the click of a button. Position yourself as an innovator and be the first to offer carbon footprints for PCBAs to your customers. Reach your own NetZero goals quicker or score extra points in the sustainability section of your next supplier evaluation.

Luminovo's product carbon footprint is the ideal solution for these industries

Conduct life cycle assessments simpler, faster, cheaper

image of screen showing Luminovo's CO2 estimates for parts


Upload your BOM and Gerber files and instantly see CO2e estimates for each manufacturer part number (MPN) and your PCB.

business woman from electronics industry using CO2 estimates to improve procurement and design
business woman from electronics industry using CO2 estimates to improve procurement and design


Help engineers prioritize eco-friendly parts and make your designs future-proof. Provide new supply chain insights and offer environmental services to your customers.

a verified environmental product declaration (EPD) for a whole PCBA
a verified environmental product declaration (EPD) for a whole PCBA
a verified environmental product declaration (EPD) for a whole PCBA


Get a verified environmental product declaration (EPD) for a whole PCBA – initial estimate in seconds and full verification in weeks.

How it works

Luminovo partners with Sluicebox to provide instant carbon footprint estimates for all electronic components, PCBs and whole assemblies you manage within Luminovo.

Sluicebox's data access is unique and sourced from over 50,000 data points across 40 databases and more than 12.5 million peer-reviewed papers grounded in material science.

Their methods follow European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and use primary data all the way down to the node technology used.

luminovo instant carbin footprint estimates
luminovo instant carbin footprint estimates
luminovo instant carbin footprint estimates
sebastian schaal
inga schwarz
patrick perner

Schedule a free demo with us

Schedule a free demo with us

Let our product specialists guide you through the tool, touch upon all functionalities relevant for your individual use case and answer all your questions directly.

Frequently asked questions

What type of sustainability data do you offer?

Why do I need product carbon footprints?

What is the benefit of using sustainability data from Luminovo x

Where does your data come from and why can I trust it?

Ok, but isn’t this whole sustainability thing just hot air?

What type of sustainability data do you offer?

Why do I need product carbon footprints?

What is the benefit of using sustainability data from Luminovo x

Where does your data come from and why can I trust it?

Ok, but isn’t this whole sustainability thing just hot air?

What type of sustainability data do you offer?

Why do I need product carbon footprints?

What is the benefit of using sustainability data from Luminovo x

Where does your data come from and why can I trust it?

Ok, but isn’t this whole sustainability thing just hot air?