Luminovo – The electronics supply chain platform

Success stories

Four Weeks from Initial Meeting to Full Implementation and Cost Savings

Mar 7, 2023

Industrie: Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS).

Über das Unternehmen: Trilogy-Net is a respected, sustainable contract manufacturer bringing high-quality complex products to market quickly. Rather than exclusively seek out large-volume manufacturers, they partner and specialize in one-off prototypes through small and mid-volume production.

Founded in the year 2000, this company has been dedicated to continually improving customer satisfaction and optimizing their processes. Despite their best efforts, they were unsatisfied with their existing software tools and were actively seeking out new and innovative solutions that could help them reach their goals. In their search, they had to ensure that any new software would be both cost-effective and user-friendly so that it could be easily implemented and utilized by their entire team.

Die Herausforderung

Trilogy-Net was facing several challenges within its procurement process. Their complex and manual quotation process resulted in langsame Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit and Schwierigkeiten bei der Ausbildung neuer Mitarbeiter. This was impacting the productivity of their sales and procurement teams, as only selected individuals were equipped to quickly complete and calculate offers. On average, it took 10 days to complete a complex quote request. Especially doing Neuberechnungen for existing customers and die Änderung der Mengen erforderte einen unverhältnismäßig hohen Aufwand.

Members of the team complained about the langsame Reaktionszeit des Anbieters on the latest availabilities and prices. The goal of Trilogy Net was to easily update real-time prices and lead times without having to manually look through webshops. Next to that, they wanted to always make sure that they are sourcing from the most competitive suppliers, by Vergleich verschiedener Optionen. This allowed them to see where the largest amount of cost savings could be found.

With Luminovo, they found a solution that not only delivers on these promises but can be implemented and up and running within weeks.

Prozess der Umsetzung

After Trilogy decided to implement Luminovo, es dauerte nur 10 Tage to set up the desired supplier API integrations and onboard new users. Together with Luminovo’s Customer Success Team, the most important processes were initiated and everything was done without any involvement of IT resources.

Additionally, Luminovo organizes an umfangreicher Onboarding-Workshop with key stakeholders and additional follow-up meetings to ensure all users can adopt and make the best use of the solution.‍

Ich habe in den letzten Jahrzehnten an vielen Software-Implementierungen mitgewirkt und habe noch nie einen so guten Kundenservice und eine so problemlose Software-Implementierung erlebt. Es war erstaunlich, wie schnell wir alles zum Laufen gebracht haben.

– Wayne Clancy, geschäftsführender Vizepräsident bei Trilogy-Net

The team at Trilogy-Net managed to quickly find their way around the tool and have since then been getting significant value from:

1) managing new and existing requests much schneller;
2) getting Echtzeit contract pricing and availabilities via APIs;
3) einfaches Onboarding and also having non-technical staff complete quotes.

The solution has directly become an invaluable tool for the sales and procurement departments as it erhöht die Geschwindigkeit and reduziert die Komplexität. Resources that would have been spent on manual tasks can now be used for strategischer Einkauf and directly improve Entscheidungsfindung.

Erzielte Wirkung

"Both our customers and employees are happier as we have increased our response time, while reducing the manual effort required to generate a competitive offer," says Wayne Clancy, Executive Vice President at Trilogy-Net.

Was kommt als nächstes?

Currently, Luminovo is helping Trilogy to optimize material costs and also automate manufacturing costing calculations using custom templates. This saves time and allows for a full end-to-end quotation process. In the future, however, there is a possibility to become even more digital by utilizing a customer portal and staying on top of all customer-facing interactions.

Wayne appreciates the continuous development at Luminovo. "I'm confident that our team's needs will be met in the long-term because new, helpful features are continually being developed."

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