



PCB Price Engine

Extract parameters from PCB files and check against your manufacturing capabilities or those of your suppliers. Easily create API-ready instant pricing from complex pricing matrices and automate manual quotes. Connect your capabilities and prices with the Luminovo ecosystem.

Die PCB-Preis-Engine von Luminovo ist die ideale Lösung für diese Branchen


Easily build APIs and automate RfQs

Get API-ready without engineering resources. Use our smart low-code pricing engine to create and maintain your own parametric pricing and share it via API. Automate 80% of your standard incoming quote requests to reduce your manual efforts and get more accurate results. Enable new sales channels by accessing the Luminovo ecosystem of 150+ EMS and OEM companies. Create your own webshop by adding the customer collaboration module.

Luminovo API PCB Preise
Luminovo API PCB Preise
Luminovo API PCB Preise


Streamline operations

Upload PCB matrix prices into Luminovo and get price estimations of your favourite manufacturers with a single click. Turn your manufactures price matrices into instant pricing and streamline your manual quote requests via a supplier portal. Extend your service via a customer portal.


Automate PCB pricing and design for cost

Turn your manufacturer price matrices into instant pricing and connect already existing PCB pricing APIs. Design for costs by estimating manufacturing costs within the design process of your PCB.

Luminovo pcb digitales Gewinde
Luminovo pcb digitales Gewinde
Luminovo pcb digitales Gewinde
sebastian schaal
inga schwarz
patrick perner

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